Arvo Updates
Arvo Reseller Program
When we first started promoting Arvo, we underestimated the number of agencies that would want to become a reseller! We are in the early (aka Beta) stages of launching a reseller program and we are excited to start rolling it out to our early adopters. Give your clients the power of Arvo by becoming a reseller! 👍

Alane Boyd
New Feature: Arvo Reseller Program
When we first started promoting Arvo, we underestimated the number of agencies that would want to become a reseller! We are in the early (aka Beta) stages of launching a reseller program and we are excited to start rolling it out to our early adopters. Give your clients the power of Arvo by becoming a reseller! 👍
As an Arvo reseller, you get:
- A free Arvo account - This gives you the ability to create any documentation you need to run your business with your clients.
- Rev-share for subscribing clients. Simply invite your clients with the "Create new account" button and help them subscribe.
- The ability to place any playbook from your account and drop it into a client account using the "Copy Playbook" feature. For core services you offer, this is the epitome of only do it once and never have to do it twice mentality. This will save you and your team valuable hours of client management!

- Exclusive training meant for resellers, including how to wow your clients with playbook style "client status updates".

To start things off, we have created two playbooks with helpful tips to get you started 👇
If you're passionate about how Arvo has changed the way you do business, why not share it with your clients? Become a Reseller!
Questions or comments about this new feature release? We're all ears! Send us a message at getanswers@askarvo.com or use the chat feature on our website!