Arvo Latest Features & Updates 1.5

Based on the feedback from our customers, we are continually making improvements to Arvo! Here are our latest three features, designed to help take your playbooks to the next level!
New draft mode, page descriptions, and a cool new sidebar!
If you like to build your playbooks entirely before allowing anyone else to see them, then this feature is for you! Now, each playbook starts as a draft, so you don't have to publish until you're ready!

Add a playbook description to add any short notes or instructions that could be useful to your team - like when to use, why to use and other useful reminders.

We've given Arvo a makeover! Check out our beautiful re-designed sidebar, visible on all playbooks 🤩 Easy on the eye, and even easier to navigate!

Do you have new feature ideas that could transform your Arvo Experience?
We'd love to hear them! Just submit a request!
Want to discuss how Arvo can help transform your business? Schedule a call with our product specialist, Emily LaRue.