Arvo Latest Features & Updates 1.6

Another week, and another six cool new features designed to enhance your Arvo Experience! You asked - and we listened! These new features are a direct result of feedback from our customers.
New emojis, author images, and a single library view!
You no longer have to copy and paste emojis from Google. Now, you can easily add emojis to all aspects of a playbook straight from Arvo. 👍

Author Images.
You now have the ability to upload a photo in your profile settings. When using the About page block component, the uploaded image is auto-populated. This is so much easier than locating a photo link!

A Single Library View.
Previously, you could view the library as a whole, but not a specific library. In the new single library view, you can view a list of all the playbooks contained within that library in a card or list format -- making exploring a large library much easier to do!

Re-order your favorites, see who requests were sent to, and always have your favorites in view!
Re-order Your Favorites.
You may have multiple favorites, but there's always the one playbook you love the most. Now, you have the ability to reorder your favorites so your actual favorite never leaves the top!

Lock in Your Favorites.
Previously, your favorites section would disappear if you were scrolling through your other libraries. Now, your favorites stay visible at all times!

Do you have new feature ideas that could transform your Arvo Experience?
We'd love to hear them! Just submit a request!
Want to discuss how Arvo can help transform your business? Schedule a call with our product specialist, Emily LaRue.