Arvo Updates
Arvo Latest Features & Updates 1.3
Collaborate more. A Request is a feature in Arvo that allows team members to ask questions and get their requests answered in the form of playbooks.

Alane Boyd
Now Introducing: Arvo Request System
Collaborate more. A Request is a feature in Arvo that allows team members to ask questions and get their requests answered in the form of playbooks.

Follow these steps to submit a request:
1. Type your question

2. Choose a team member to ask

3. Find playbook requests in your inbox

4. Find or create a playbook based on the request

Voila! With the new Arvo Request System, your training materials can develop over time based on the actual needs of the teams.
Do you have new feature ideas that would make it easier for you to use it in your business? We'd love to hear it. Submit a request!