How do I...

Create a great onboarding experience for new employees.

Get our free playbook that walks you through creating an experience that empowers new hires and reduces turnover.

  • Streamline communication leading up to their first day
  • Take them from new hire to productive employee within their first 30 days
  • Support teams with ongoing education that's automated based on role and responsibility
Employees quit
within 90 days
Leave due to poorly
set expectations
Average cost of
replacing an employee
Stay with
clear communication
Download the new employee onboarding playbook
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The before image is of an old-school plain-text standard operating procedure document.  The after image is a visual document that represents the same SOP.

In this playbook you will find...

  • Step-by-step guides on creating employee onboarding that reduces turnover.
  • Tips for creating job descriptions that attract top talent.
  • How to use videos, GIFs, and real-world examples to supercharge your onboarding experience.

Reduce turnover today

Ensure that all new hires clearly understand the role they are accepting and bring your job descriptions to life.

Create automated workflows that start as soon as an offer letter is signed using Arvo's pre-built components and follow this playbook to reduce your risk of employee turnover in the first 90 days.